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Canned food for Oscar

Suffering from a serious heart condition, Oscar is constantly exhausted...
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Canned food for Oscar
Suffering from a serious heart condition, Oscar is constantly exhausted...

256 cans

256 cans

Suffering from a serious heart condition, Oscar is constantly exhausted...

1. He suffers from a severe heart problem!

Oscar is a cat of approximately ten years old, who suffers from a cardiopathy, a syndrome that came close to ending his life.

The walls of his heart are abnormaly thickening, which requires putting him on medication to thin his blood. Because of his illness, Oscar often feels extremely fatigued and his activities are slowed down considerably...

2. Canned food would help him regain his health

Specially formulated canned food for elderly and sick cats would be extremely beneficial for Oscar. It would provide him with an easy-to-digest high-nutrient diet, critical for a cat with a fragile health like his.

The balanced content in these foods would support his medication regimen and help maintain his energy and overall health, despite his fatigue and heart condition.

3. We are not getting much help…

We are facing an increasing lack of support and financial assistance. Facing health problems myself, I find it difficult to take care of all the needy neighbourhood cats on my own...

Despite setting up my association to centralise efforts and obtain subsidies, external support is practically non-existent (with the exception of Bardot Foundation, whose kibble supply runs out rapidly)...

Association La Cantine des Minous
4 rue de la Verdière
13090 Aix-en-Provence
FR France

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