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Canned food for Poupette

Elderly and unwell, Poupette needs suitable food...
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Canned food for Poupette
Elderly and unwell, Poupette needs suitable food...

256 cans

256 cans

Elderly and unwell, Poupette needs suitable food...

1. She's struggling to eat!

17-year-old Poupette is suffering from calicivirus. The poor thing was suddenly left outside when her owner passed away.

We took her under our care two months ago, and started treating her with various medications (antibiotics and anti-inflammatories). Since she's missing some teeth, she's having a difficult time eating.

2. Canned food would help her regain strength without difficulty

Canned food specifically designed for senior cats like Poupette could be extremely beneficial for her.

Not only would they make her feeding easier despite her missing teeth, but they would also support her immune system weakened by the calicivirus. The extra hydration from the wet food could also potentially help reduce inflammation...

3. Hundreds of cats are relying on us!

Right now, adoptions are few and far between, while we're seeing an increase in demands for care.

Many people are abandoning their grown cats, even if they're sick and not neutered. We now find ourselves managing nearly 340 moggies across our cat shelter, foster homes and those still on the streets!

Association Les Chats de la Rue
Centre d'Animation de Beaulieu
10, boulevard Savari
FR France

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