Animal Webaction

We support associations, but we are not one ourselves: Animal Webaction is edited by the company Animal Webaction

Capital: 5 000 €.
Registered office: 6 Rue de Porstrein, 29200 Brest - France
SIRET number: 752 794 883 00013
Identification number: 752 794 883 RCS Brest

VAT number: FR 09752794883

Director of publication of the Animal Webaction website: Mr. Alexandre Boulling

Phone number of Animal Webaction: +33 2 57 40 00 67

The Animal Webaction service is hosted by the company Excellency.

Capital: 5000 €.
Head office: 62 rue Tiquetonne, 75002 Paris - France
Siret Number: 492 893 490 00036
Identification number: 492 893 490 RCS Paris 

Excellency's phone number: +33 1 84 16 23 40

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