Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 09/09/2019, discover the delivery pictures.
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Picture taken by Animal Webaction on the thursday 29 august 2019

A truckload of kibble to save these dogs in Morocco!

In Morocco, Michèle is out of kibble for her shelter of 730 dogs, they will starve to death!
photo association
Picture taken by Animal Webaction on the thursday 29 august 2019
A truckload of kibble to save these dogs in Morocco!
In Morocco, Michèle is out of kibble for her shelter of 730 dogs, they will starve to death!

5,000 kg
Dry food offered

5,000 kg
Dry food necessary

Participate in confidence

Animal Webaction visited the site 29 August 2019 and confirms the situation described below.

In Morocco, Michèle is out of kibble for her shelter of 730 dogs, they will starve to death!

Overwhelmed by the problems, Michèle asked us to help her urgently.

We were at the shelter on August 29th: the dogs are weak and exhausted, several have already died.

Without our intervention, the situation will worsen: there will be no kibbles left after September 11.

Without subsidies or regular help from other associations, Michèle can no longer cope, she begs us to help her.

Rejected from all sides, these dogs have nowhere to go: the shelter is their only hope.

We want to help them, by sending 5000 kg of kibble as a matter of urgency.

100% transparency guaranteed.



1. Lack of food, extreme drought and overcrowding are having devastating effects: several dogs have already died

Weakened by a recent surgery, Nyasca failed to survive a stampede within the shelter, which houses 730 dogs


The drought raging in this part of the country is difficult to sustain for dogs, as it is for other animals. Attracted by the water Michèle manages to bring to the shelter, snakes came by in August, biting several dogs to death


Dogs are exhausted by difficult living conditions: all are weakened, many are very thin...


Isolated in a desertic area, the shelter is not connected to running water: the simple fact of providing water for the dogs in this period of severe drought is already a challenge....


The shelter currently hosts 730 dogs, in extremely difficult conditions. Michèle has been struggling to provide them with enough food and water for several weeks now.

We went to the site on August 29th: the dogs are weak and nervous, the situation is dramatic! 



2. Without our intervention, the situation will worsen: the stock of kibble will be exhausted on September 11th, they will not survive it!

The scabies from which Zaria suffers weakens him enormously: weak and thinned, he must be able to eat


Very thin and suffering from a skin disease, Ako has been struggling for weeks already.....


Former street dog like most of the others at the shelter, Irus has always had difficult living conditions.... Very thin and weakened, he struggles to cope with summer


Jasko suffers from scabies and great thinness, which he will not be able to overcome under the current circumstances


Suffering from a skin disease and generalized weakness, Fusain will not be able to overcome the shortage of kibble


During our visit on August 29th, there were 130 bags of kibble left at the shelter: enough to last until September 11th at the most


We went to the shelter on August 29th, following Michèle's SOS. Facing an apocalyptic summer, where problems keep coming up, she asks us to help her! 

Every month, 6 tons of kibbles are needed to feed the 730 hungry dogs: a financial drain, impossible for Michèle to continuously honour. Weakened by an already existing lack of food, dogs also have to overcome extreme heat, promiscuity and, for some, disease.



3. The shelter is overloaded with puppies: diseases, vaccinations and neuterings deplete Michèle's resources

Distemper and parvovirus rage at the shelter, and threaten all puppies. Only vaccination can preserve them, but two injections are necessary for it to be effective... A considerable budget, in addition to spaying and neutering costs, which are essential to keep dogs from breeding at the shelter


Faced with a massive influx of puppies, Michèle does her best to protect all the residents of the shelter, but the task is too heavy for her alone


This summer, more than a dozen females gave birth at the shelter, a situation that is difficult to manage given the circumstances...

Spaying and neutering to avoid new litters, vaccinations to protect puppies from distemper and parvovirus that rage at the shelter: medical procedures are numerous and are a burden on the shelter's budget! 



4. No volunteers, and employees that Michèle struggles to keep: the conditions are so difficult that no one wants to stay at the shelter to take care of the dogs

Dogs as far as the eye can see... and only a handful of employees to take care of them all. Without running water or any facilities, the shelter is isolated from any city tens of kilometres away, in a desertic area


The shelter lacks everything, starting with separations. When kept in packs, dogs require constant supervision, and the work required is colossal to ensure good living conditions for the animals


Michèle cannot count on any volunteers to take care of the dogs, and must therefore hire several employees to ensure the maintenance of the shelter and the care of the dogs. If the prospect of remuneration is more attractive, employees who show interest often stay for a short time: "It's difficult to find people who would like to stay: the conditions at the shelter are difficult, there's no convenience or facilities, it's very hot..." Michèle explains.

She has been looking for another land to transfer the shelter to for months, but the constraints imposed by more than 700 dogs and the lack of resources prevent her from doing so!



5. If we don't reach the target, dogs won't receive anything

A failed collection on Animal Webaction


We can take action, we have already booked a truck and pallets, but we have to pay it before September 08th.

If the collection fails, we will not be able to pay, the departure of the truck will be cancelled and none of the collected kibbles will be delivered...

If the collection fails, we will refund all donors.



6. Kicked off the streets overnight, these dogs owe their survival to Michèle only

Overnight, dogs were no longer tolerated by local authorities: municipal officers brought dogs by truckloads for months to the shelter, at Michele's request, to prevent them from being killed....


The shelter was set up as an extreme emergency in April 2018, when local authorities in the region stopped tolerating street dogs. Bound to the association Le Coeur sur la patte by convention (Editor's note: originally established as part of a spaying/neutering program), the municipality of Agadir did not slaughter dogs like the adjoining municipalities. 

However, as the dogs had to leave the streets, the commune hired agents to catch them and bring them to the association, leaving Michèle to deal with them on her own. The association, which at the time had only one dispensary that could accommodate 80 dogs, found itself with the load of more than 500 dogs in just 2 weeks, gradually reaching the 730 currently hosted....

"Thanks to the municipality of Agadir, we had begun a spaying and vaccination program to eradicate rabies and fight against canine overpopulation. This program unfortunately was interrupted, so we had 2 solutions : to either leave our dogs get killed, or to bring them back. And I asked for them to be brought back. That's why we had a dog tsunami, and that's why we ended up with a shelter of 750 dogs," said Michèle, founder of the association, last February.



7. Without subsidies, and without any regular support from other associations, Michèle must manage on her own

For 1,5 year now, Michèle has been doing everything possible to feed and care for the dogs in the shelter, but has so far not been able to find any regular help.

While some international associations intervened last year for one-off assistance, the funding of the shelter on an ongoing basis is only possible thanks to the help of a few individuals, and the money invested by Michèle herself.

The subsidy provided by the municipality of Agadir for a while has ceased to exist, since the shelter left Agadir and stopped gathering new dogs. Everything now lies on Michèle: "At the end of the month I don't know how to pay everything. What I did was a bit crazy"



8. Rejected and murdered, Moroccan street dogs live on probation

For two years, the city of Agadir conducted a spay and neuter program with the association Le Coeur sur la Patte, aimed at containing the population of street dogs. But in April 2018, with no warning, the program was abandoned, and slaughter resumed...


Millie was the 1000th dog spayed by the association, before the authorities ended the program


With an estimated population of around 2 million street dogs, Morocco has been carrying out mass slaughter operations at regular intervals for decades.

Dogs are poisoned with strychnine, or shot with a gun, usually in the spring: before the arrival of tourists, or any other important international event.

However, sterilisation programs have already been carried out in some Moroccan cities: unfortunately, they have so far always been abandoned, as their results take too long to be seen.

A situation encountered in Agadir itself, where the Trap Neuter Release program was ended by local authorities in April 2018, after 2 years of existence...


9. They all need our help

Alto suffers from several eye injuries, and tries to recover at the shelter


With one of her front legs amputated, Solem is more vulnerable because of her disability, and will not be able to fight for kibbles against the dominant dogs


Eiko still suffers from a back end injury that takes time to heal, and makes him more vulnerable


Young male between 2 and 3 years old, Jalan suffers from a leg injury and must undergo an amputation


Houba was tied in a district of Agadir, with a cut leg and apparent bone without anyone helping him... Unfortunately, his leg had to be amputated: Houba is vulnerable and afraid


Ino had to be amputated of a leg following an accident: puny and diminished by his handicap, he is more vulnerable to other dogs



10. Michèle does the impossible for these dogs



Born in Morocco, Michèle has never been able to stand the poisoning and slaughter of street dogs across the country. In 2011, she founded the association Le Coeur sur la Patte. Its objective: to develop a spay and neuter program to contain the population of street dogs in Morocco. She started the program in Agadir in 2016, with more than 1000 dogs sterilized, vaccinated and released before April 2018.

Driven by the hope that the program could be resumed quickly following the slaughter order, she took the necessary steps to save as many dogs as she could in the meantime. "We have wonderful dogs in front of the door who are just waiting to live, we have no right to slaughter them," she said.

While 730  dogs are now accommodated at the shelter, she also hosts an additional 110 dogs as well as other animals in her home. A commitment that cost her her marriage, and occupies her entire life:

"Moroccan dogs are absolutely wonderful: you give them a piece of bread, they love you forever. I get up in the morning at 5:00, I start cleaning. I live barricaded, it's a lot of work. I love them and I get my energy from them, but I never get a second's rest."



11. What will the 5000 kg collected be used for ? 

This collection is organized by the association Le Coeur sur la Patte. The 5000 kilos of kibble collected will be delivered to Michèle to feed the 730 dogs hosted at the shelter.


12. 100% transparency guaranteed

- Animal Webaction has been helping more than 833 animal welfare associations over the past 5 years, with more than 1,967 deliveries in 8 countries (see photos).

- We make sure to contact each partner association, inquire to ensure its reliability and always ask for supporting documents.

​- Our partner associations only receive physical products, which means we never send money. When you offer 10kg of food, we deliver 10kg of food to the association.

- We also deal with transportation ourselves, and make sure all the products collected are properly brought where the association needs them to be, so a quick delivery is guaranteed.

- We will notify you by email as soon as the product bought thanks to your donation has been delivered.

- We will ask the association to take pictures of the food received, and will send you these pictures.

- The payment of donations is 100% secured by Paypal (no obligation to have a Paypal account), and by credit card.

- If you change your mind, we will refund your donation upon request, without charge or proof of any kind.

- If unfortunately the collection fails, we will not deliver anything, we will refund you the full amount of your donation.


Association Association Le Cœur sur la Patte
Avenue Général Kettani
80000 Agadir
MA Maroc

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