Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 05/08/2021, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Pékin

Pékin's eyes and nose are damaged, he must be treated quickly!
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Canned food for Pékin
Pékin's eyes and nose are damaged, he must be treated quickly!

256 cans

256 cans

Pékin's eyes and nose are damaged, he must be treated quickly!

1. His nose keeps running

Pékin, 8 months old, suffers from severe coryza. His nose is running and his eyes are also affected. He needs care so that his condition doesn't get worse!

2. Canned food would allow us to feed them

Pékin can only eat soft food. Canned food will also be useful to hide Pékin's treatment and relieve him of his symptoms.

Otherwise his health will keep deteriorating...

3. There are a lot of kittens at the moment

We have to take care of more and more kittens these days. They need special care and your support will be invaluable for them and for us!

Association Association de Protection Animale des Hautes Corbières
10 avenue du Termenès
11330 Félines-Termenès
FR France

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