Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 02/08/2021, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Jazz

Abandoned in a garden, Jazz is only two months old!
photo association
Canned food for Jazz
Abandoned in a garden, Jazz is only two months old!

352 cans

352 cans

Abandoned in a garden, Jazz is only two months old!

1. He was found without his mother

Jazz was found in a garden in the countryside, alone with his brothers and sisters. He is only two months old, he can't make it on his own!

2. Canned food will allow him to eat

Jazz needs a balanced diet to develop well and he is still too small for adult food. Canned food will be perfectly adapted to the current state of his growth!

3. We are desperate

We have more and more cats to feed and care for. There seems to be more cats in need than ever!

Association Association Chats Libres et Errants du Cotentin
Appartement 23 2 rue de Penthièvre
50130 Cherbourg en Cotentin
FR France

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