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This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 16/08/2021, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Vynil

Vulnerability, fatigue, weight loss: Vynil is in renal failure!
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Canned food for Vynil
Vulnerability, fatigue, weight loss: Vynil is in renal failure!

192 cans

192 cans

Vulnerability, fatigue, weight loss: Vynil is in renal failure!

1. His kidneys are not working properly anymore, which makes him very tired...

Vynil is a 6-year-old cat, suffering from renal insufficiency. This means that his kidneys are not sufficiently ridding his body of the toxins it accumulates. Because of this dysfunction, Vynil is very weak and has lost weight...

2. Canned food would allow him to gain weight

With canned food specially adapted to his kidney problems, Vynil could eat, without the risk of aggravating his health problems. He would then be able to regain his energy and put on some weight.

3. Our means are too limited!

The situation is a bit complicated: we have more than 90 cats and kittens in foster care, which we have to supply for.

In spite of a collection we managed to organize in a store, we are still cruelly lacking food for all the cats under our care!

Association Patounes de Chats
3 résidence Angélique Mirassou
64390 Sauveterre de béarn
FR France
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