Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 09/09/2021, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Pukli

Stunted growth, damaged eyes, emaciation... the coryza did not spare Pukli!
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Canned food for Pukli
Stunted growth, damaged eyes, emaciation... the coryza did not spare Pukli!

352 cans

352 cans

Stunted growth, damaged eyes, emaciation... the coryza did not spare Pukli!

1. He has to take medicine to treat a very virulent disease...

Pukli is a one-and-a-half-month old kitten with a severe case of coryza. He has trouble breathing because his nose is blocked. His eyes are purulent, and one of them is so infected that he will probably lose it.

We're giving Pukli a treatment, hoping that his symptoms will improve...

2. He is very skinny and has been delayed in his growth!

Pukli only weighed 200g when we picked him up! With the disease, the poor thing has his growth delayed considerably...

3. Canned food would make it easier for him to take his medicine and start growing again

Canned food would help Pukli to take his medicine against coryza. This would give him a better chance of getting better.

In addition, special kitten food would allow him to resume normal growth, reaching a less critical weight.

4. We don't have the necessary funds anymore!

We still have to deal with a lot of new arrivals. The kittens are still very numerous, and sick cats are still arriving in high numbers. Unfortunately, we have not yet been able to collect any money from the shops!

Association Les Chats Libres d'Estagel
14 rue Marcel Barrere
66310 Estagel
FR France

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