Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 09/09/2021, the association will send us the delivery pictures soon.
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Blankets for Lilou

Inflamed mouth, defective kidneys... Lilou requires protection!
photo association
Blankets for Lilou
Inflamed mouth, defective kidneys... Lilou requires protection!

287,300 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

Inflamed mouth, defective kidneys... Lilou requires protection!

1. Her mouth is constantly inflamed

Lilou has calicivirus. Despite dental surgery, she drools a lot and the inflammation of her gums does not let her rest.

Together with her chronic kidney failure, this disease weakens her enormously.

2. Blankets would provide her with a healthy bedding

Lilou's bed is often wet because she drools a lot. With blankets that we could change regularly, she would be a lot less likely to  catch other diseases!

3. We are desperate

We have more and more cats to feed and care for. There seems to be more cats in need than ever!

Association Association Chats Libres et Errants du Cotentin
Appartement 23 2 rue de Penthièvre
50130 Cherbourg en Cotentin
FR France

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