Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 14/09/2021, discover the delivery pictures.
photo association

Blankets for Paco

At only three months old, Paco has known nothing but the street!
photo association
Blankets for Paco
At only three months old, Paco has known nothing but the street!

287,300 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

At only three months old, Paco has known nothing but the street!

1. He is hungry

Paco is only three months old. He is very shy. He hides near a restaurant and runs away as soon as someone tries to approach him.

His only way to eat is to rummage through the garbage! He needs to be taken care of...

2. Blankets would protect him

Paco sleeps outside. He gets soaked as soon as it rains, he has no shelter. Blankets would at least warm him up a bit and give him a more appropriate place to sleep...

3. Our budget can't keep up

There are a lot of stray cats and kittens at the moment. We don't have enough money to pay all the expenses.

Association Cœur Animal
6 Impasse du Thym
11200 Saint André de Roquelongue
FR France

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