Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 06/10/2021, discover the delivery pictures.
photo association

Blankets for Églantine

Poor Églantine has one eye inflammation after the other...
photo association
Blankets for Églantine
Poor Églantine has one eye inflammation after the other...

287,300 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

Poor Églantine has one eye inflammation after the other...

1. She was abandoned...

Églantine is a 15-year-old cat, who was mistreated and abandoned in the street. Life has not been kind to her...

2. She has chronic eye problems!

Because of allergies, Églantine has recurrent conjunctivitis. Her eyes are watery and inflamed, causing her to keep her eyelids half closed. It's a very tiring situation for her!

3. With blankets, she would always have a nice place to lie down

Blankets would provide some comfort for Églantine as she spends her old age with us. They would allow her to always have a clean and cozy place to sleep.

4. We can't collect enough donations!

Donations are very random. Collections on site are more laborious than before, the situation having become a little harder... We were able to do one last month, and we shared the collected donations between several associations. Everything was used up very fast!

Association L'Arche des Amis à pattes
Rc G - Residence le Cap Liouquet
13600 La Ciotat
FR France

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