Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 22/10/2021, discover the delivery pictures.
photo association

Blankets for Safari

Inflamed gums, watery eyes, cough... Safari has coryza!
photo association
Blankets for Safari
Inflamed gums, watery eyes, cough... Safari has coryza!

287,300 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

Inflamed gums, watery eyes, cough... Safari has coryza!

1. He was left to fend for himself...

Safari ended up on the street, the day his owners left for a retirement home. The poor thing lost his bearings, and found himself at the door of the home he had always known...

2. He is covered with parasites !

As he was left without care, Safari was quickly invaded by parasites. Worms and fleas started to take over and suck his energy. We have now dewormed him.

3. A disease causing him pain in his gums is preventing him from chewing

Safari has a bad case of coryza: his eyes are watery, he coughs and his nose is blocked. He also has a very painful inflammation of the gums, which prevents him from eating kibbles as he has difficulty chewing.

4. With blankets, he could recover faster

Safari could rest and recover in the comfort of blankets. This would help him recover faster from the illness. And the comfort would be invaluable to him!

5. There are too many cats for us to help them all!

Things are going very badly for our association. With our reduced income, we don't have the same means as before to provide for the needs of the cats who rely on us.

We are barely able to do in-store collections nowadays, and the collected donations are not enough, because the cats are too numerous!

Association Orphan Cats Chanel Portal
153 rue bourbon
Appt 4
86100 Chatellerault
FR France

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