Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 16/10/2021, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Roulette

Roulette is in so much pain that he sticks his tongue out at all times!
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Canned food for Roulette
Roulette is in so much pain that he sticks his tongue out at all times!

256 cans

256 cans

Roulette is in so much pain that he sticks his tongue out at all times!

1. He is infested with fleas and ticks

Roulette is suffering from leukemia. He has trouble eating, he sticks his tongue out all the time and the fleas feed on him more than he feeds himself!

2. Canned food will allow him to recover

Roulette needs to regain his strength. Canned food will be easier to eat for him given the state of his mouth. It will also help us to give him the medicines he needs...

3. We have just taken care of several animals

This rescue is very heavy for us financially. We do not receive any donations and it has been a very difficult year for us.

Association Catmondou
30440 Roquedur
FR France

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