Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 21/10/2021, discover the delivery pictures.
photo association

Canned food for Mimine

Her kidneys are damaged and Mimine is very tired!
photo association
Canned food for Mimine
Her kidneys are damaged and Mimine is very tired!

192 cans

192 cans

Her kidneys are damaged and Mimine is very tired!

1. She suffers from kidney failure

Mimine is in renal failure. This makes her very tired, and draws on her reserves...

2. Canned food will help us feed her

Mimine needs to gain weight. For her health in general, but also to better fight against the disease!

In her condition, the canned food will be essential...

3. We have nothing left

This year, we couldn't make any animations to collect donations, and our reserves are empty!

Association Association de Protection des Chats Errants du Val du Crenu
3, rue des Vignes
25680 Puessans
FR France

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