Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 22/10/2021, discover the delivery pictures.
photo association

Blankets for Bella

Emaciated, very sick and affected by ringworm, poor Bella is going through a very difficult time!
photo association
Blankets for Bella
Emaciated, very sick and affected by ringworm, poor Bella is going through a very difficult time!

287,300 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

Emaciated, very sick and affected by ringworm, poor Bella is going through a very difficult time!

1. She was not yet weaned when we found her...

Bella is a 3 months old kitten. We found her on a feeding site, when she was only three weeks old ! The poor thing  was not yet weaned. So we had to bottle-feed her. Despite this, she is still skinny.

2. She was in a pitiful state!

Affected by ringworm and suffering from a big coryza, Bella was at the end of her rope. We treated her, so she's starting to get better. But she still has a runny nose and watery eyes.

3. Blankets would help her recover

To get back on her feet completely, Bella will still need rest. Blankets would give her the comfort and softness she needs to recover.

4. The crisis has caused a wave of abandonments and a drop in donations!

Our association has a huge workload: there are many abandonments, many kittens without family and therefore many more mouths to feed. Financially, the situation has become very complicated.

Before, we were able to take care of and feed the cats in need, because we had donations. But since last year, we receive less and less... We don't know how to cope!

Association Orphan Cats Chanel Portal
153 rue bourbon
Appt 4
86100 Chatellerault
FR France

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