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This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 03/11/2021, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Salma

Between her runny eyes and sneezing, Salma has a hard time growing up!
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Canned food for Salma
Between her runny eyes and sneezing, Salma has a hard time growing up!

256 cans

256 cans

Between her runny eyes and sneezing, Salma has a hard time growing up!

1. She has coryza

Salma is only 4 months old. She also suffers from chronic coryza: her eyes run, she sneezes... and she can't get better!

2. Thanks to the canned food, she will regain her strength

Salma is still growing. Her future is at stake now, and the food she receives will be important.

She has a lot of trouble feeding herself because of coryza... And the canned food can solve this problem.

3. The costs are going up

We've had to deal with more abandonments this summer. And the veterinary fees are going through the roof!

Association Boule de Poils
Hôtel de Ville
19 rue Pierre Mendès France - BP 621
27400 Louviers
FR France

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