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Canned food for Tigrou

Poor Tigrou was found on a highway rest stop!
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Canned food for Tigrou
Poor Tigrou was found on a highway rest stop!

256 cans

256 cans

Poor Tigrou was found on a highway rest stop!

1. He was near the highway and could have been crushed to death!

Tigrou is a cat of about 10 years old, who was found on a motorway. He was in danger because of the heavy traffic. Fortunately, someone got him out and left him with us to take care of.

2. He probably has kidney problems...

In summer and winter, Tigrou drinks heavily. We think he probably has kidney failure, considering his age...

His kidneys, which are probably not working properly anymore, do not get rid of the toxins in his body as they should.

3. Canned food would keep him hydrated

A wet food like canned food would help Tigrou eat while staying hydrated. This would be perfect for him to regain his strength without risking further problems!

4. This is a disaster!

There are a lot of abandonments, it's a real disaster. Cats keep appearing on the different feeding spots...

People went on vacation this summer, but without caring about their animals and just leaving them there!

Association Des Poils et Des Plumes
155 Avenue de la Mairie
95120 Ermont
FR France

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