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Canned food for Ramsès

Emaciated and in poor health, poor Rameses has been mistreated...
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Canned food for Ramsès
Emaciated and in poor health, poor Rameses has been mistreated...

256 cans

256 cans

Emaciated and in poor health, poor Rameses has been mistreated...

1. He was abused...

Ramsès is a cat that we found in a parking lot. The poor guy had been mistreated, before being thrown out by his owners. Since then, he remains traumatized: he is very fearful and does not let himself be approached.

It is impossible for him to live in a house. We have therefore placed him in a secure outdoor enclosure.

2. He is in a pitiful state and needs care!

Ramses is very skinny, because he has difficulty eating. Pain in the mouth is most likely bothering him. It may be a gingivo-stomatitis. We are going to take him for treatment very soon to find out more.

3. With canned food, he could regain his strength without suffering too much

Less difficult to ingest than kibble, canned food would be perfect for Ramsès. They would allow him to regain strength and weight, while waiting for us to find the origin of his pain.

4. Our resources are desperately empty!

We have not been able to resume in-store collections, as all slots are already taken. Memberships and donations are at a standstill... With all the sick kittens we had to take care of and feed this summer, our coffers are empty!

Association Association Des Chats De Hyeres
BP 10223
83406 HYERES Cedex
FR France

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