Suffering from kidney failure, poor Weedy has lost a lot of weight!
287,300 cm2
blankets offered
287,300 cm2
blankets necessary
Twiddy is a 15 year old cat, who had a stroke two years ago. She was outside at the time, and took two days to find her way back in...
Since Twiddy doesn't move anymore and spends her time in the horses' stalls, her back has completely dislocated!
The horse stalls are sheltered from the wind, but it's cold and damp during fall. With blankets, Twiddy could have a warm, cozy place to rest.
We have no money coming in and no new memberships. Currently we are trying to do small events at the shelter, but there is no one. With the holidays and the beginning of the school year, people have had other things to worry about...