Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 05/01/2022, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Lily

Missing teeth, damaged eye, difficulty chewing: Lily must have had an accident!
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Canned food for Lily
Missing teeth, damaged eye, difficulty chewing: Lily must have had an accident!

256 cans

256 cans

Missing teeth, damaged eye, difficulty chewing: Lily must have had an accident!

1. She has multiple injuries on her right side...

Lily is a cat of about 15 years old, who arrived last week on a feeding site. She is still in very bad shape: her right eye is all white and she is missing several teeth on her right side. According to the vet, she must have had an accident...

2. Because she has trouble chewing, she is very skinny!

Because of her missing teeth, Lily has a lot of trouble chewing her food. She may have been wandering around like this for a while... So she is currently very skinny.

3. With canned food, she could regain her strength without too much difficulty

The wet and soft texture of the canned food would be perfect for Lily to start eating enough again. She could then regain her strength and return to a normal weight.

4. We are stuck in a vicious circle...

With nearly 48 cats, we have a lot of caring to do. Unfortunately, our budget remains very low: the in-store collections do not work very well.

People do what they can, and most of them only give us cheap kibble. So the cats tend to get sick and have diarrhea... It's a vicious circle that the economic crisis is setting up!

25, rue du Sancy
FR France

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