Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 21/01/2022, discover the delivery pictures.
photo association

Canned food for Tit' Roukine

Affected by a very invasive cancer, Tit' Roukine had to undergo a heavy operation...
photo association
Canned food for Tit' Roukine
Affected by a very invasive cancer, Tit' Roukine had to undergo a heavy operation...

256 cans

256 cans

The association has chosen to bring forward the publication date of the collection, because their food stock is critically low. This collection was not planned, the risk of failure is high.

Affected by a very invasive cancer, Tit' Roukine had to undergo a heavy operation...

1. She was operated of a very serious cancer...

Tit' Roukine is a 12 years old cat, who was abandoned. The poor girl has just had a tumor removed from her head at the vet's. Apparently, it is quite serious, because the cancer is invasive.

2. She lives in a building where it is cold and damp

Tit' Roukine spends most of her time in a barn. She is safe from the rain, but not from the cold. Unfortunately, the place is not heated, and it is very wet in winter...

3. Canned food would help her to regain her strength

Thanks to canned food specially adapted to senior cats, Tit' Roukine could regain his energy after his operation. With a complete and protein-rich food, she could regain strength, despite the disease.

4. We need help urgently!

Without a foster family, without help or subsidies, the situation is very complicated for my association. I have very few donations, which means that once my rent is paid, all my money goes to the 36 cats who rely on me.

The vet bills have been piling up, but it's impossible for me to pay for everything. Between that, the food and blankets for the cats, I can't afford it anymore! Without help, the situation will become more and more catastrophic...

Association Les chats de Feelin’ Good
Lieu dit Pigeonnier
47300 Lédat
FR France

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