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Canned food for Tiger

Tiger's eye is badly affected by coryza, he could lose it!
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Canned food for Tiger
Tiger's eye is badly affected by coryza, he could lose it!

160 cans

160 cans

Tiger's eye is badly affected by coryza, he could lose it!

1. His eye is affected

Tiger is only two months old. For several weeks now, his nose has been blocked by coryza, which makes it difficult for him to eat and to breathe...

But it is especially his eyes that worry us, because they are also affected by the disease!

2. Canned food will be essential for his growth

Tiger is still a kitten. If he doesn't eat enough, he won't grow!

Canned food will be useful both to feed him properly and just so he can swallow his food in his condition...

3. There are way too many kittens

We have taken in many kittens lately. They need special care and food... which we don't have!

Association Anima'passion
14 rue victor hugo
09100 Pamiers
FR France

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