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Canned food for Idylle

Because of an immune deficiency, Idylle has big inflammations in her mouth that make her vomit...
photo association
Canned food for Idylle
Because of an immune deficiency, Idylle has big inflammations in her mouth that make her vomit...

176 cans

176 cans

Because of an immune deficiency, Idylle has big inflammations in her mouth that make her vomit...

1. A disease destroys her immune system!

Idylle is a cat who has tested positive for FIV. This disease is the equivalent of AIDS in cats : Idylle's immune system does not protect her sufficiently anymore, which makes her very vulnerable to viruses and infections.

2. Her mouth hurts so much that she vomits...

Idylle has developed ulcers and a large rash in her mouth. Despite antibiotic and anti-inflammatory treatments, she continues to salivate excessively and to be in pain.

The accumulation of saliva in her stomach, as well as the pain, pushes her to vomit... If this continues, she will lose the little strength she has left!

3. Specialized canned food could help her symptoms improve

With special canned food designed to limit vomiting, Idylle could finally regain her strength without giving back the food she eats. This would allow her body to absorb all the nutrients it needs. This would be an opportunity for her to be in better shape, despite the illness.

4. We no longer know how to finance our actions!

Stores and supermarkets are saturated with requests for collections from associations. There are no more slots to sign up! So I have to feed all the cats who count on me with my simple pay... it will not be able to last long like that!

Association Des Poils et Des Plumes
155 Avenue de la Mairie
95120 Ermont
FR France

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