Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 07/03/2022, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Catastrophe 300 chats des rues !

Emergency! In Toulouse, Kyriakos can no longer afford to feed the 300 street cats who rely on him... they are in danger of starving!
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Canned food for Catastrophe 300 chats des rues !
Emergency! In Toulouse, Kyriakos can no longer afford to feed the 300 street cats who rely on him... they are in danger of starving!

972 cans

972 cans

1. In France, Kyriakos can no longer afford to feed the 300 free cats who need him... the poor ones might starve!

"Our association takes care of 300 street cats, spread over 15 sites around Toulouse. Unfortunately, today we only have a few tins of wet food left... barely enough to feed them for 3 days!

The situation has always been complicated, but the economic crisis has not helped. We try our best to cover the needs of the cats, but the funds needed are well beyond our means...

With only 600 euros per month of personal income and very few donations, it is impossible for us to buy canned food. Without the urgent help of Animal Webaction, we will have to ration the cats until we can't give them anything... In the middle of winter, this is unthinkable! The free cats would not survive..."

2. During the floods, the sites were inaccessible, so the cats were left without food for a long time. What will happen to these cats if we don't have cans to give them to get their strength back?

"Not long ago, bad weather raged in Toulouse. The cats were hiding from the rain, we had trouble finding them and give them food. With the torrential rain and the wind, many of them were soaked to the skin and fell ill.

We are very worried because the Garonne River had risen so much and some of the riverside sites were flooded and off limits so we couldn't feed the cats! If we have nothing to feed them after this long period of starvation... it will be a disaster!"

3. Handicapped, skeletal and in poor health, Flore will not make it through the winter if we have no more canned food to give her...

"Flore is around 17 years old and she's almost blind. Because of arthritis and a potential injury, her spine is completely bent. With all these handicaps, it is very difficult for her to survive and find food on the street...

She also has a lot of trouble eating, because of dental problems and pain in her mouth. She has lost a lot of weight and is starting to lose her hair in patches... it would not be surprising if she started to suffer from a kidney problem. Without canned food, she won't last until spring!"

4. Calls for donations remain unanswered... the association is in a financial dead end!

"We have many miles to drive every day to feed the cats and gas is very expensive! We have to pay for it ourselves. This leaves us with not much left to buy canned food for the street cats.

As for donations, they are very few and never high. The people who support us have modest means, and cannot give much. We have tried to create an online fundraiser but it has been open for two years and has not increased... "

5. Kyriakos isn't asking for money, only canned food to feed the street cats.

"Free cats need help to avoid starvation. I dedicate my days and my entire life to this cause. The few volunteers and I give a lot of ourselves. It takes us 6 hours to feed them, not counting the time to prepare and load the car.

I spend a lot of time on the road: it takes me all day and part of my nights. As soon as I wake up, I think about how to organize my day to go attend to the cats' needs... Not being able to feed the cats would be a heartbreaker, because I know they don't have anyone else to look after them!"

6. Animal Webaction can deliver canned food to save the association's cats!

7. Actions launched on Animal Webaction often fail. 

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Animal Webaction partners with 1000 animal welfare associations in 15 countries and has been existing for 7 years

Association Chat Libre de l'Ile du Ramier
11 Rue Peyras
31000 Toulouse
FR France

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