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Pellets for Ulysse

Exhausted by epileptic seizures, Ulysse needs to regain his strength!
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Pellets for Ulysse
Exhausted by epileptic seizures, Ulysse needs to regain his strength!

200 kg
Pellets offered

200 kg
Pellets necessary

Exhausted by epileptic seizures, Ulysse needs to regain his strength!

1. He has epilepsy...

Ulysse is a 38 year old horse with epilepsy. A few days ago, he had a big seizure. After convulsing in his limbs, he was exhausted! According to the vet, this could be related to cushing's disease...

2. He has no teeth at all !

With age, Ulysse has lost all his teeth. Today, he can't chew at all. It's impossible for him to graze grass or eat hay anymore!

3. Moistened pellets would give him a boost of energy

With wet pellets, Ulysse could eat without chewing. This would be an opportunity for him to replenish his vitamins and gain strength after the crisis he has been through.

4. Calls for donations have not worked...

We are currently taking care of 15 horses and about 30 cats. It is not possible for us to take on more animals as we are already struggling to cover all the costs...

Our equines are aging, and absolutely need pellets! We did try to raise money online to buy them food, but it didn't work...

Association S.O.S. Equidés
52 Route d'Illy
08200 Floing
FR France

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