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This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 15/03/2022, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Smooty

Blocked nose, fever, stunted growth: the little Smooty suffers from a big coryza!
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Canned food for Smooty
Blocked nose, fever, stunted growth: the little Smooty suffers from a big coryza!

256 cans

256 cans

Blocked nose, fever, stunted growth: the little Smooty suffers from a big coryza!

1. An illness prevented her from growing normally...

Smooty is a 5 month old female cat, that we found alone at a feeding location. At 4 months old, she weighed only 1,1kg ! And for good reason: suffering from a big coryza, she could not grow normally.

Even today, she has watery eyes, a blocked nose and a fever (she sometimes goes up to 39°!).

2. With canned food, she could catch up on her growth

Protein-rich canned food would help Smooty gain weight and get stronger. This would be a good way to help her recover from the virus that's taking her down!

3. We are in a dead end !

Without an agreement with the town hall for the moment, we have to manage feeding about 30 free cats and 3 horses. No help can indeed come from collections in supermarkets, because nobody wants to give us a slot! We receive a few donations, but unfortunately it is not enough...

Association Univers Libre
1270 route du Luc
83660 Carnoules
FR France

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