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This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 29/03/2022, discover the delivery pictures.
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Blankets for Vanillou

Following a bite, Vanillou had to take a treatment which put him completely down... he absolutely needs to regain his strength!
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Blankets for Vanillou
Following a bite, Vanillou had to take a treatment which put him completely down... he absolutely needs to regain his strength!

287,300 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

Following a bite, Vanillou had to take a treatment which put him completely down... he absolutely needs to regain his strength!

1. A treatment against a bite made him lose weight and all his hair!

Vanillou is a one and a half year old cat, who was bitten by another cat on the lower spine two months ago. He had to take an antibiotic treatment to prevent the risk of infection.

Unfortunately, the medication caused him to lose all his hair. He was also very tired and skinny. The hair is just starting to grow back, but Vanillou needs to regain his strength.

2. With blankets, he could rest in a warm place

Until he gets better, Vanillou will need plenty of rest. Fleece blankets would help him keep his body heat as much as possible, so he doesn't lose energy unnecessarily fighting the cold.

3. We are running out of resources!

We are going through a very difficult period: we have no funds left, and had to put a lot of money from our own pocket to get here. Unfortunately, our budget is not expandable, and we can't go on like this forever!

Association Les Chats Libres Condom 32
32100 Condom
FR France

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