Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 05/04/2022, discover the delivery pictures.
photo association

Blankets for Yanna

Sick and undernourished, Yanna is still very fragile...
photo association
Blankets for Yanna
Sick and undernourished, Yanna is still very fragile...

287,300 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

Sick and undernourished, Yanna is still very fragile...

1. Her health is very fragile!

Yanna is a kitten of about 4 months old, that we found on a feeding site. She weighed only 1 kg, and had a big coryza (blocked nose, purulent eyes, etc.).

2. With blankets, she would be warm

Given her health condition, Yanna will need to store as much warmth as possible to get through the winter serenely. With fleece blankets, she could be preserved from the cold, until she gets better.

3. We are drowning in requests!

Donations are so sporadic that we have had to stop taking in charge: we have too many requests, and it is impossible for us to keep up financially. We could really use some help to keep our heads above water!

Association Les chats de l'Indifférence
340 rue de la Chaussiette
59163 Condé-sur-l'Escau
FR France

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