Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 13/05/2022, discover the delivery pictures.
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Kibble for SOS 170 street cats!

SOS ! In Fos-sur-Mer, Andréa has no more kibble to feed the 170 free cats who depend on her... we can not let them starve!
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Kibble for SOS 170 street cats!
SOS ! In Fos-sur-Mer, Andréa has no more kibble to feed the 170 free cats who depend on her... we can not let them starve!

1,080 kg
Dry food offered

1,080 kg
Dry food necessary

1. In France, Andréa is out of kibble to feed the 170 street cats who need her... The poor ones will starve if we don't help!

"I am currently in charge of feeding 170 free cats spread throughout 7 different areas. Without volunteers in the association, I am alone in this duty. Between Covid and my health problems, the situation has become very complicated financially.

Today, I only have a few bags of kibble left. Barely enough to feed them for a week... I tried to hold on by using low quality kibble, but I'm running out of stock!

Without me, cats have no one to rely on: there are no houses, there is nothing in the areas where they live... When I discovered them, they were eating rocks and branches on the ground to survive, I couldn't believe it! What will happen to these cats if I can't find any kibble? Many of them are old and may starve very quickly... "

2. Severely handicapped, Leadera has troubles moving around. Without kibble, she will not be able to find food on her own and may not survive...

"Leadera is a disabled cat, whom we tried to socialize. We almost succeeded (this is when the picture was taken), but when we had to move Leadera to another room, she became very shy again and could not stand being indoors. We had to release her on to her original site...

The poor girl has problems with her spine: her back is all bent and she has trouble walking. According to the vet, it seems that she has a neurological problem or a malformation, which makes her movements particularly difficult. She can neither climb or jump...

If we stop coming here to bring her kibble, she will have no choice but to venture into the forest in hopes of finding something to eat. Unfortunately, it is a place where hunters have already killed several cats... With her handicap, Leadera won't be able to run away fast enough! Between starving to death or being killed by a gunshot, her fate looks grim if we can't help her anymore!"

3. Without donations or in-store collections possible, the association is in a terrible financial dead end!

"Before, the association was able to maintain itself thanks to in-store collections. But for the last two years, I have not been able to collect food in stores because of my health problems. The Brigitte Bardot Foundation and the SPA have not responded to my requests either. And the donations we receive are far from covering all our costs!

As a result, I have a lot of veterinary bills on hold because I can't afford to pay them. I will also have to choose between feeding the needy cats or paying my rent... The situation could not be worse. The money is running out but not coming in. You are my only solution to get my head above water!"

4. Andréa isn't asking for money, only kibble to keep the cats from starving.

"All my salary goes into the association. I am all alone, I devote all my time to the cats by depriving myself on every level. My life is entirely dedicated to the cats! I can't do more... I have reached the limit of my financial means, and I'm at the end of the rope psychologically.

Without me, the free cats have no one... what will happen to them if I can no longer feed them? They will get sick, weaken and die one after another. We can not let that happen!"

5. Animal Webaction can deliver kibble to save the association's cats!

6. Campaigns launched on Animal Webaction can unfortunately fail.

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Animal Webaction partners with 1000 animal welfare associations in 15 countries and has been existing for 7 years

Association Protect Cat
55 avenue rené cassin
residence le titien n°501
13270 fos sur mer
FR France

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