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This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 02/05/2022, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Libby

Following a car accident, Libby is paralyzed!
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Canned food for Libby
Following a car accident, Libby is paralyzed!

132 cans

132 cans

Following a car accident, Libby is paralyzed!

1. Libby was in a car accident!

Libby is about 4 years old, she was in a car accident in Serbia. She still has her legs but unfortunately she cannot use them, she is paralysed. She also had a tumor in her mammary gland. Libby is the sweetest little girl, but she needs constant care to remain healthy.

2. Canned food would help her maintain her strength

On top of her lack of mobility, Libby also catches urine infections very regularly. We have to be very careful with her and in constant watch. We do not want any of her health problems to escalate as she's already very fragile to begin with. With canned food, she would be guaranteed to have a healthy diet!  

3. Vet bills are destroying us! 

Many of our dogs have handicaps and illnesses that require life long treatments, special medication, attention and care. With 22 special needs dogs out of a total of 40, our vet bills are incredibly high! Food-wise, we used to receive pallets of wet food from the UK but ever since Brexit, that help has now ceased. We need some help providing wet food for our dogs!

Association Raggie Dog Retreat
lieu-dit La Ragotière
49220 La Jaille-Yvon
FR France

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