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Canned food for Gali

Born blind, Gali eats only thanks to his smelling sense and needs tasty boxes!
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Canned food for Gali
Born blind, Gali eats only thanks to his smelling sense and needs tasty boxes!

256 cans

256 cans

Born blind, Gali eats only thanks to his smelling sense and needs tasty boxes!

1. He doesn't see anything

Gali is one year old. One year already that he was born... without eyes! He has learned to move around, to take his marks differently. But this is not always enough for everything.

2. Canned food will help him to eat

In order to eat, Gali must smell food. It is the smell that attracts him, that guides him, that warns him that he can eat.

And cans are much more fragrant. He needs them to eat properly.

3. There are too many sick animals

Lately, we have welcomed many kittens in poor condition. They need a lot of care to recover and to grow up...

Association Association Les Minis
2, rue des Freres Lavergne
34320 Margon
FR France

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