Animal Webaction
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Canned food for Batman

Separated from his mother when he was not weaned, little Batman had taken refuge in a car engine!
photo association
Canned food for Batman
Separated from his mother when he was not weaned, little Batman had taken refuge in a car engine!

352 cans

352 cans

Separated from his mother when he was not weaned, little Batman had taken refuge in a car engine!

1. He was found skinny, in the engine of a car...

Batman is a 2 and a half months old kitten, that we found some time ago in the engine of a car. Separated from the warmth of his mother when he was not yet weaned, the poor thing had found refuge under the hood of a car, near the engine!

It took several days to get him out of there. It was about time, because he was really skinny!

2. With canned food, he could gain weight

In order to gain strength from his premature weaning, Batman will need canned food. Such a vitamin-rich diet would help him continue to grow peacefully, despite all that's happened to him.

3. Abandonments are numerous!

Our association is always very busy. We receive many reports of abandonment, often in very difficult conditions... Between the cats in foster care and the free cats that we help, we take care of nearly 200 animals!

Association Association Pour la Protection des Animaux du Territoire Eyguières et ses Environs (A.P.A.T.E.)
Maison des associations
Boulevard Reyre
13430 Eyguieres
FR France

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