Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 29/04/2022, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Ourson

Cancer has eaten away at poor Ourson's ear!
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Canned food for Ourson
Cancer has eaten away at poor Ourson's ear!

256 cans

256 cans

Cancer has eaten away at poor Ourson's ear!

1. He lost an ear to cancer...

Ourson is a rather old cat, that we took in a few weeks ago, because his owner could not take care of him anymore. The poor cat has a carcinoma. The cancer ate his ear, until it fell off because it was so necrotic. He is now under treatment, and the vet is hopeful that it will stabilize.

2. With canned food, he could get stronger

Given his age and his still vulnerable health, Ourson needs a rich diet, like canned food. They would allow him to fill up with proteins and vitamins, to be in better shape.

3. The abandonments are numerous!

The activity of our association is always very busy. We receive many reports of abandonment, often in very difficult conditions... Between the cats in foster care and the free cats that we help, we take care of nearly 200 animals!

Association Association Pour la Protection des Animaux du Territoire Eyguières et ses Environs (A.P.A.T.E.)
Maison des associations
Boulevard Reyre
13430 Eyguieres
FR France

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