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Blankets for Poupette

Poor Poupette can't eat kibble anymore, because she has no teeth... she absolutely needs another source of food!
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Blankets for Poupette
Poor Poupette can't eat kibble anymore, because she has no teeth... she absolutely needs another source of food!

287,300 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

Poor Poupette can't eat kibble anymore, because she has no teeth... she absolutely needs another source of food!

1. She has no more teeth!

Poupette is a 7 years old cat, suffering from chronic gingivitis. Because of this inflammation of the gums which made her suffer a lot, it was necessary to make her remove all the teeth by the veterinarian. She can no longer chew... impossible for her to eat kibble!

2. She lives in the cold...

Without home to welcome her, Poupette has nowhere to go. So she found refuge outside, on a very wet and cold ground.

3. Blankets would help her survive the winter

With the winter temperatures, Poupette will need fleece blankets to keep her from freezing to death. She could curl up in them, waiting for better days...

4. We can't afford to help all the cats that need it anymore...

Organizing collections has become complicated, because we are many associations in the area and most of the slots are taken.

Among the 58 free cats that we feed, many are sick and need expensive care. Not to mention a dozen extra cats that we had to take in charge following the death of a man...

Association Cha'alors
9 rue Saint Lazare
02460 La Ferté-Milon
FR France

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