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Canned food for Elaa

Chronic sinusitis, gastric reflux, skin problems... Elaa has many health problems that make her life difficult!
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Canned food for Elaa
Chronic sinusitis, gastric reflux, skin problems... Elaa has many health problems that make her life difficult!

132 cans

132 cans

Chronic sinusitis, gastric reflux, skin problems... Elaa has many health problems that make her life difficult!

1. She spent several months alone in a garden...

Elaa is a 12-year-old dog, who comes from Romania. The person who adopted her didn't manage to take care of her, so Elaa was passed from hand to hand, until she arrived in France.

Her last owner then left for a nursing home, and poor Elaa was left alone in a garden for 9 months! Someone would come by to feed her, but never approached her. Elaa became completely unsociable...

2. She has thyroid problems that have created a chain of health problems! 

Elaa has hypothyroidism, for which she is on medication. This hormonal imbalance has gradually impacted all her organs. Elaa had developed skin problems, balance problems and also had severe acid reflux.

It became impossible for her to eat kibble without vomiting! Weakened at all levels, she started to suffer from chronic sinusitis: she now needs to take an antibiotic treatment.

3. She has a limp in her front leg

Elaa has a problem with one of her front legs and limps. This handicap complicates her movements, and contributes to make her more tired!

4. With canned food, she could regain her strength without vomiting

In order to keep going despite all her health problems, Elaa is going to need to recharge her batteries. Wet canned food would help her to eat, without vomiting systematically. She could finally get her strength back!

5. Veterinary fees are a barrier...

We recently had almost 1,500 euros in veterinary expenses. Buying food has become complicated. Collecting food in stores does not work: between Covid and the financial crisis, people have no more money to give.

However, we can't give up: dogs we take in count on us. Soon we will have to take in animals from Ukraine. We have to keep going!

Association Associaction "Pour que Vieux Rime Avec Heureux" (A.V.R.A.H.)
12 Chemin de Lliriu
FR France

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