Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 11/06/2022, the association will send us the delivery pictures soon.
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We can't let the stray cats in Morocco starve!

SOS! In Morocco, Hind will soon run out of kibble to feed the street cats and those in her shelter, they will starve!
photo association
We can't let the stray cats in Morocco starve!
SOS! In Morocco, Hind will soon run out of kibble to feed the street cats and those in her shelter, they will starve!

1,000 kg
Dry food offered

1,000 kg
Dry food necessary

Participate in confidence

Animal Webaction visited the site 21 May 2022 and confirms the situation described below.

1. In Morocco, Hind is almost out of kibble to feed the 150 street cats that depend on her, they will starve if nobody helps them!


"Stray cats live a hellish life on the streets! They are forced to rummage through rubbish bins to find something to eat and most of the time they end up poisoned, they are beaten by the population or hit by cars... As cat owners don't sterilise them, they breed and their numbers only increase! If I don't give kibble to the 150 street cats in my neighbourhood, they have no chance.

The problem is that my association doesn't have as much money as it used to: between the pandemic and the war in Ukraine, donations have plummeted and prices have increased... So for a month now, due to lack of money, I have been rationing the street cats: they don't eat enough kibble! But a stray cat that doesn't eat enough is weakened, it catches diseases and risks dying...

I do my best to try to help them but I can't do it by myself anymore, I don't want to watch them suffer like this without being able to save them! I'm so sad, I'm counting on this kibble campaign to help them gain weight and their immune system to fight off disease and live!"

2. Very weakened by his intestinal problems, Rio will not survive the lack of kibble...


"I have been feeding Rio on the street for as long as I can remember! Unfortunately, I have recently noticed that he has started to have diarrhoea which has weakened him considerably... He has become so thin that it is imperative that I continue to provide him with good quality kibble in sufficient quantity for the medication I am giving him to work. This campaign for kibble will save him!"

3. Hind also takes care of 15 particularly fragile cats in her shelter, they too will go hungry if no one intervenes!


"Some of the cats are so fragile that they couldn't survive on the streets alone, so I take them into the shelter to care for them properly and give them a chance to be adopted. The problem is that I have been rationing their food for a month now, they are clearly malnourished and their health has started to deteriorate... If I don't find some kibble quickly the situation will get worse: when one cat develops an infection because of the lack of kibble, all the others are likely to be contaminated too! 

Due to lack of means I can't take in as many cats as I would like... I therefore apply the TNR method (Capture/Neuter/ Return to the street), I only take in cats that are in a catastrophic state of health, and release the others as soon as they are sterilised. The problem is that I can hardly take care of the cats in the shelter because of the crisis, my debts are piling up and if I don't find some kibble quickly, I won't even be able to take care of them, they will be doomed! This kibble campaign will save their lives..."

4. After being hit by a car, Stella needs a leg surgery, but without kibble she will be too weak to survive it!


"Stella is a 2 year old stray cat who had an accident. Six months ago I took her into the shelter so that she could have an operation and the vet could put a pin in her back leg. Soon she will have to have another operation and unfortunately she will be far too weak to take it... For her condition to improve and for her to recover from the operation, it is vital that she eats quality kibble!"

5. Since the drop in donations, Hind has run out of ways to feed the cats: if this kibble campaign fails, the cats will have nothing to eat!


"Between the trips to the vet, the cost of care, the price of litter, blankets and kibble, the expenses I have to pay are enormous... The war in Ukraine has made the situation worse because I receive even fewer donations than before. This high inflation is also blocking me from doing rescues because petrol has become expensive and I can no longer travel to rescue cats in need. I already have so many debts to pay, I don't know how I'm going to pay them off if I don't get help soon...

I used to buy the kibble with my own money but since the pandemic the number of cats has increased so much that it is no longer possible for me to feed them all with my own money... I really hope that this crisis will end as soon as possible, and in the short term I really hope to be able to find kibble for my cats. I'm afraid this kibble campaign will fail, because I have no other solution at the moment to feed my cats!"

6. Hind is not asking for money, but for kibble to prevent the cats from starving.


"The work of my association is indispensable because it is the only structure that takes care of abandoned cats in this neighbourhood. For more than 15 years, I have devoted all my energy and time to saving animals in distress. Unfortunately I cannot solve all the difficult situations... At the moment I am forced to reduce the capacity of the shelter due to lack of financial means...

At the moment, I have four employees who are in charge of feeding the street cats and the shelter, and we are three volunteers who educate people about sterilisation to avoid the reproduction of cats. Over time, we have gradually gained the trust of the population, and people's mentality has started to change. This is a great success because thanks to neutering we have been able to avoid thousands of unwanted litters!

These developments make me proud, because despite the crisis the association is still there! However, I am still worried about the current situation, we really need people's support to continue our actions... I would like to thank Animal Webaction and all the people who will help us to continue our efforts!"

7. If this campaign succeeds, Hind will not receive any money, but 1000 kg of kibble, delivered from Animal Webaction's logistics platform in Morocco.

Animal Webaction has a logistical platform in Morocco, which allows us to intervene quickly and deliver the kibble.

8. Rescues are multiplying while donations are in free fall and support is becoming increasingly scarce: this campaign is Hind's last hope of getting kibble.

"We have partnerships with associations to help us get cats adopted: we have found homes for over 50 cats since April! Unfortunately, we do not receive material donations from them. We have been looking for some time for organisations to help us buy kibble, but so far we have not received any favourable response...

To raise funds or buy kibble, we have already tried online kitty campaigns, but unfortunately they don't work like they used to: we spend a lot of energy and time to collect only a few dirhams which in the end don't help us much because of the price increase...

I find myself alone fighting for these cats, I finance everything with my own money, I feel exhausted because I feel like it doesn't make much difference... We really need your help: this campaign is the only way we have left to get kibble..."

9. Campaigns launched on Animal Webaction often fail.

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When a campaign fails, Animal Webaction cannot deliver the products. The beneficiary doesn't receive anything and the buyers are refunded. 

10. In Morocco, donors are rare, and there are no foundations or subsidies... It is very difficult to find funding for kibble, many cats are left starving in the street!


 If you know of a foundation or NGO that could help Hind, please invite them to contact us so that we can put them in touch.

If you represent an animal protection foundation or NGO, please help Hind's dogs, contact us, and we will put you in touch!

If you want to visit Hind's shelter to help her or if you want to send her kibble or a check directly, please contact Hind via Facebook (note: direct help is done on your own responsibility).

11. If you make a purchase on Animal Webaction, it will be protected by our guarantees.


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100% safe payment via Paypal or credit card

Verified action

We've carried out checks on this action, Animal Webaction visited the shelter


Sending kibbles

The shelter won't receive any money, only the kibbles bought on its behalf

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We will keep you posted and you will receive delivery pictures

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Our satisfaction rate is 98% (read our 757 Facebook reviews)


Animal Webaction partners with 1000 animal welfare associations in 15 countries and has been existing for 7 years

Association Association Comme Chiens et Chats Maroc
Résidence Farah B2 N35 Sidi Rahal Chatii
20 628 Berrechid - Sidi Rahal Chatai
MA Maroc
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