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This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 20/07/2022, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Minette

Tired and thin, Minette needs to regain her strength after nursing her kittens!
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Canned food for Minette
Tired and thin, Minette needs to regain her strength after nursing her kittens!

256 cans

256 cans

Tired and thin, Minette needs to regain her strength after nursing her kittens!

1. Breastfeeding her kittens has put her completely flat! 

Minette is a cat that we found a short time ago, following a report. She was with her two-month-old kittens, that she is finishing to nurse. It seems that it took her a lot of energy, because she is skinny and tired...

2. Canned food could help her regain weight

To regain her strength and get back to a more normal weight, Minette could really use some canned food. It would give her a chance to replenish her vitamins and proteins, so she'd be in better shape!

3. We are doing a tremendous work!

Between street cats and those in the cattery, we feed nearly 200 cats. It's a huge job! The budget it represents is also enormous... with kittens coming in, we could be overwhelmed at any moment!

Association Orphan Cats Chanel Portal
153 rue bourbon
Appt 4
86100 Chatellerault
FR France

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