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This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 04/07/2022, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Sunshine

Pus in the eyes, stuffy nose, weight loss: poor Sunshine got sick...
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Canned food for Sunshine
Pus in the eyes, stuffy nose, weight loss: poor Sunshine got sick...

256 cans

256 cans

Pus in the eyes, stuffy nose, weight loss: poor Sunshine got sick...

1. He caught a virus... 

Sunshine is a one year old cat with coryza. His nose is blocked and his eyes exude pus. He has lost his appetite and his energy...

2. He is very skinny! 

Because of the disease, Sunshine is very thin. It's a vicious circle: the sicker he is, the less he eats and the weaker he gets, reducing his chances of recovery...

3. Appetizing canned food would help him to gain weight 

With very palatable canned food, Sunshine would start eating again. This would help him regain his strength, return to a normal weight, and increase his chances of getting better!

4. Sterilizations cost us a lot of money... 

As last year, we were not able to do many sterilizations, we concentrated on that this year. The idea was to get out of the vicious circle we were in, with always more mouths to feed...

We must now continue to find the budget to feed about fifty stray cats, as well as a dozen cats in foster care. On some sites, the cats are in bad health... We have to act quickly!

Association Stérilcat
33 rue de Belgique
80300 Dernancourt
FR France

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