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Canned food for Gospi

Kidney failure, allergy, thinness: Gospi was abandoned in a pitiful state...
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Canned food for Gospi
Kidney failure, allergy, thinness: Gospi was abandoned in a pitiful state...

198 cans

198 cans

Kidney failure, allergy, thinness: Gospi was abandoned in a pitiful state...

1. He was very thin when he was abandoned...

Gospi is an 11-year-old dog, who was abandoned by his owners who lived in a camper. The poor thing had never been socialized, and must have been short of food, because he was very skinny.

2. He has food allergies 

Gospi has big skin problems, because he has a lot of allergies. For example, he can't stand cereals in his food.

3. He has thyroid problems!

Gospi has hypothyroidism, which made all his hair fall out! He now has to take a lifetime treatment.

4. His kidneys don't work very well anymore

He also suffers from kidney failure: inefficient, his kidneys do not get rid of enough toxins, which tires his body a lot.

5. With adapted canned food, he would be in better shape 

Canned food specially adapted for kidney failure could help Gospi. They're grain-free, so there's no risk of allergies. They're rich in protein and quality carbohydrates, so they'll give him the strength he needs to feel better.

6. People can't donate anymore... 

In the last few weeks, we have had a series of emergencies. The veterinary expenses are considerable... We tried to make appeals for donations, but with the crisis, people are impacted. They don't have the means to help us anymore!

Association Associaction "Pour que Vieux Rime Avec Heureux" (A.V.R.A.H.)
12 Chemin de Lliriu
FR France

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