Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 21/07/2022, discover the delivery pictures.
photo association

Canned food for Lilo

Very weakened, Lilo needs help!
photo association
Canned food for Lilo
Very weakened, Lilo needs help!

256 cans

256 cans

Very weakened, Lilo needs help!

1. His eyes are crying and he has no teeth

Lilo, 5 years old, was living in an Ehpad. But his condition deteriorated... His mouth was too damaged and his teeth had to be removed.

Because of recurrent ENT problems, difficult to treat because he has FIV, his eyes are crying... He is in bad shape...

2. Canned food will be essential to feed him

Lilo can't eat anything solid anymore. Cans are the only food he will be able to swallow! And that's why they are so important to him.

3. Our costs are increasing

We have had a lot of sick cats lately. And the veterinary expenses are really consequent...


Association L'Ecole du Chat Libre de Poitiers (Comité de Défense des Bêtes Libres)
1 place de Frontevault
86000 Poitiers
FR France

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