Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 28/07/2022, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Henrio

Henrio is so skinny that you can see his ribs!
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Canned food for Henrio
Henrio is so skinny that you can see his ribs!

132 cans

132 cans

Henrio is so skinny that you can see his ribs!

1. He can barely walk

Henrio is 14 years old. Since the death of his owner (who was a beggar), he has lost 15 kg. He is skeletal, you can see his ribs directly under his skin.

And he is so tired that he walks very slowly, saving his strength to the maximum!

2. He needs canned food to eat 

Henrio can no longer chew kibble. He absolutely needs canned food otherwise he will continue to wither and lose his strength!

3. I have nothing left 

I am out of food supplies, and have bills pending at the vet. Without your help, I won't be able to feed the animals!

Association Association de Protection des Chats Errants du Val du Crenu
3, rue des Vignes
25680 Puessans
FR France

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