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This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 08/07/2022, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Rocky

Rocky has almost no teeth and has a hard time eating...
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Canned food for Rocky
Rocky has almost no teeth and has a hard time eating...

256 cans

256 cans

Rocky has almost no teeth and has a hard time eating...

1. He is missing too many teeth to chew... 

Rocky is one of the street cats that we have trapped and neutered. Unfortunately, at only 3 or 4 years old, he has almost no teeth left. Chewing has become almost impossible for him! He is also starting to lose weight...

2. With cans of wet food, he could regain his strength

An easy to ingest food like cans could be a good solution to help Rocky. We could crush or dilute it in a little water, so that he can easily eat despite his missing teeth. This would stop his weight loss, and maybe even help him gain weight again!

3. We are going into overdraft!

With all the cats on site that we have to sterilize, our finances are in the red. It is also very difficult for us to buy food for these 150 street cats! So a veterinary food adapted to the most fragile is completely out of our means...

Association Nos amours de minous oubliés
20 rue rastegue
13400 Aubagne
FR France
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