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This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 11/08/2022, discover the delivery pictures.
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Pellets for Quislie

Skin tumor, thinness: Quislie is exhausted by sarcoids!
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Pellets for Quislie
Skin tumor, thinness: Quislie is exhausted by sarcoids!

200 kg
Pellets offered

200 kg
Pellets necessary

Skin tumor, thinness: Quislie is exhausted by sarcoids!

1. She has tumors all over her body...

Quislie is an 18 year old mare, who came in very skinny, a year ago. She had multiple tumors (sarcoids), which fell and came back since.

She has three huge tumors on her belly, one in her ear and others everywhere. These tumor masses bother her so much that she sometimes scratches and bangs on them until she bleeds!

2. Pellets would help her gain strength

With a quality diet like pellets, Quislie could get her energy back, without the risk of her health getting worse. Being able to eat enough and get enough vitamins will be essential for her to get better!

3. We are torn between all our expenses!

This winter, we had to use up all the money we had collected at the Christmas markets. Our coffers are empty! But the requests for rescues do not stop, for often old animals. Not to mention our usual protégés, who also need care and grain...

Association Happy Horse Day
346 chemin du moure de la Violette
30490 Montfrin
FR France

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