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Canned food for Pablo

Poor Pablo was the whipping boy of a pack of dogs!
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Canned food for Pablo
Poor Pablo was the whipping boy of a pack of dogs!

132 cans

132 cans

Poor Pablo was the whipping boy of a pack of dogs!

1. He had a very hard life before arriving here... 

Pablo is a 16-year-old dog, that we took out of a Serbian shelter, two years ago. Constantly tied up, he was the whipping boy of a pack of dogs!

2. He has no more teeth! 

With age and the difficult living conditions he has experienced, Pablo has lost all his teeth. It became impossible for him to chew and eat!

3. He suffers from serious urinary problems 

Pablo often has urinary tract infections. He also has stones: small clots sometimes get stuck in his urethra, which is very painful!

4. To be able to eat easily, he will need canned food 

Wet canned food would allow Pablo to eat without chewing. This would be a great opportunity for him to regain his strength back, while staying well hydrated!

5. We have many dogs to care for... 

Since we only take in dogs in very serious difficulty, the veterinary fees for them are enormous. And as the the animal shelters are overloaded, the new cases we take in do not stop on our side!

Association Associaction "Pour que Vieux Rime Avec Heureux" (A.V.R.A.H.)
12 Chemin de Lliriu
FR France

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