Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 25/08/2022, discover the delivery pictures.
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Blankets for Gaston

Redness, glued eyelid, loss of sight: Gaston was injured in one eye!
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Blankets for Gaston
Redness, glued eyelid, loss of sight: Gaston was injured in one eye!

287,300 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

Redness, glued eyelid, loss of sight: Gaston was injured in one eye!

1. His eye is damaged... he could lose it!

Gaston is a cat that we found with a detached eyelid, and a completely red eye. He probably got hurt in a fight and lost his sight on one side.

We apply an ointment on him, to prevent it from getting infected. If it doesn't get better, we will probably have to remove his eye...

2. To recover, he will need clean blankets

To prevent his eye from getting infected, Gaston will need clean fleece blankets. He'll be comfortable in them, just long enough to see if the ointment works.

3. Any help would be welcome!

We take care of about 60 free cats, with only three volunteers. This takes a lot of time, and requires a certain budget.

We have received donations to cover veterinary costs, but we could use some help in providing food and blankets for the street cats...

25, rue du Sancy
FR France

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