Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 05/09/2022, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Noël

Noël is still recovering from a fire, he is in terrible shape!
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Canned food for Noël
Noël is still recovering from a fire, he is in terrible shape!

256 cans

256 cans

Noël is still recovering from a fire, he is in terrible shape!

1. His eyes were damaged by smoke 

Noël was found in a field after a fire. Because of the smoke, his bronchial tubes were infected, and he has eye problems.

He is still recovering...

2. Canned food will allow him to eat 

Noël needs food that is easy to swallow, and canned food fit that bill. They will help him get his strength back.

3. We had a lot of expenses 

We have grown this year, and we have had a lot of kittens. This implies a lot of costs, our budget is suffering...


Association Une vie, Un chat
14 Avenue du Canigou
66170 Saint Féliu d'Avall
FR France

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