Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 13/09/2022, discover the delivery pictures.
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Blankets for Maëva

Little Maëva is only 2 months old, she needs adapted food to keep growing!
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Blankets for Maëva
Little Maëva is only 2 months old, she needs adapted food to keep growing!

287,300 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

Little Maëva is only 2 months old, she needs adapted food to keep growing!

1. She will soon be weaned...

Maëva is a 2 months old kitten, who was born at our home after her mother was rescued. Although she is still suckling her mother, she will be weaned very soon. But she will still be too young to eat adult food...

2. Blankets would keep her warm

Until she is older and less vulnerable, it would be best for Maëva to stay warm in fleece blankets.

3. It's not the time of year, but we already have a lot of kittens!

Between the street cats and their kittens, we have a lot to do. Pregnant and unsterilized cats have been abandoned to us... so we have found ourselves with many kittens, in addition to the thirty or so free cats that we are currently feeding!

Association Association Pattes de Chats
Le Rocher
56200 Saint-Martin-sur-Oust
FR France

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