Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 03/10/2022, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Théa

Théa had her paws broken by blows, she is still recovering!
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Canned food for Théa
Théa had her paws broken by blows, she is still recovering!

256 cans

256 cans

Théa had her paws broken by blows, she is still recovering!

1. Thea was beaten with a bar

Théa has fractures on both paws. She was mistreated, beaten with bars until her paws broke!

She had to be operated to hope to recover the use of her legs, and she still wears bandages the time of her cicatrization.

2. Canned food will help us feed her

Théa will not be able to move for a while. She needs an easy-to-digest food, rich enough to help her recover.

3. The costs are piling up

We have many cats with serious health problems right now. The veterinary costs are very high and the situation is becoming more than difficult.

Association Dans les yeux de Leo
341 chemin de la Megre
13105 Mimet
FR France

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