Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 15/11/2022, discover the delivery pictures.
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We cannot let these 450 dogs starve!

SOS! In Romania, the Remember Me Land shelter is running out of kibble for its 450 dogs. They are hungry and deadly fights have already occurred!
photo association
We cannot let these 450 dogs starve!
SOS! In Romania, the Remember Me Land shelter is running out of kibble for its 450 dogs. They are hungry and deadly fights have already occurred!

2,400 kg
Dry food offered

2,400 kg
Dry food necessary

Participate in confidence

Animal Webaction visited the site 05 November 2022 and confirms the situation described below.

1. In Romania, the Remember Me Land shelter is running out of kibble to feed its 450 dogs. Deadly fights have already broken out and other dogs will die if no one helps!


"We’re now taking care of 450 dogs at the shelter. We managed to have several adoptions but for every adopted dog, many new rescue dogs arrive! It’s still overcrowded and we struggle to feed all these mouths… The donations we get aren’t enough to cover the dogs’ needs; people might not realise that the shelter’s situation is worse than ever… The dogs are famished and in two days, we won’t have any kibble left! 

Our remaining stock is depleting fast and its poor quality has awful effects on the dogs’ health and behaviour: they're in "survival mode" and they fight to death over food! We’re in a really stressful period, we want to provide each of our rescue dogs with the comfort and safety they deserve. But now, we’re afraid to find another dead dog each time we arrive at the shelter… Without kibble, there will be many more deaths!"

2. Dogs are starving, weak and nervous: they fight to death! Without kibble, many won't survive...   


"We won’t receive any more kibble from the municipality for the coming months and as winter arrives, we’re deeply concerned about the consequences it will have… The dogs need more calories and nutrients to face the extreme cold. Yet, right now, we are feeding them on our low stock of kibble. 

They can’t build up strength on this diet and it’s such a terrible quality that even the most starving, emaciated dogs struggle eating it! Even though they eat, they’re still hungry… Many of our dogs are very fragile and they’re getting weaker and weaker, it’s just horrible to see them suffer like this!

Besides, most of them are just so on edge that dangerous fights occur all the time… It’s so hard to look after every dog - they’re too many! Most of our dogs won’t survive in the next few months if we don’t get kibble: they'll either get killed in violent fights or will become too weak to make it through the winter…“

3. Absolut keeps losing weight and strength: he's too vulnerable and won't make it without kibble!   


"Absolut is a very weak five-year-old dog who was caught and brought by dog catchers… We don’t know his story, but he seems to have been deeply traumatised by humans: he’s so scared of people! He has no energy to face the cold weather and he keeps getting thinner...

The kibble issue plays a huge part in the deterioration of his state of health and we’re trying our best to avoid dogs like him from suffering too much. It’s impossible for him to recover and put on weight without this kibble delivery!“

4. The association struggles to cover the dogs' needs without more help: they need this campaign to feed the dogs and save their lives!


"We’re a non-profit association and we are confronted with many unexpected, often urgent situations as we’re saving dogs’ lives. That’s why, however hard we try to manage everything, it’s impossible to do anything without people’s help! We are taking in new rescue dogs all the time, so we always have a huge number of dogs to take care of and feed at the shelter… It’s harder than ever to cover these expenses, lately.

We're grateful whenever we get donations, but they're too scarce in regards to the urgency of our situation… We regularly organise kibble collections and also have partnerships with some shops that give us a small percentage of their sales. These initiatives are helpful, but unfortunately don’t allow us to get enough kibble for an extended period of time. We’re so thankful Animal Webaction is organising this campaign. Our dogs’ survival and health are at stake which is why it has to succeed!“   

5. Emilie isn't asking for money, only kibble to prevent the dogs from starving!


"The shelter was created to save the dogs from horrible fates at the local pounds… We wanted to decrease the number of strays with our sterilisation actions and also, above all, to give all these dogs a well-deserved decent existence, socialise them and find them new loving homes. 

But nothing has changed much for them, in the area: there are still many strays in the streets, despite our efforts - there are always a lot of new abandoned dogs who aren’t sterilised and who breed! Dog catchers are continuously bringing us new dogs… Mentalities have to change!

Nothing is more important than rescuing dogs, to us. Without us, they’re condemned to tragic lives... Yet without kibble, they’re not safe either and it will be impossible to manage the ever growing number of abandoned dogs. It’s awful to witness the dogs’ violence in the kennels as they starve…"    

6. If this campaign succeeds, Remember Me Land will not receive any money but 2400 kg of kibble, delivered from Animal Webaction's logistics centre in Romania.

Animal Webaction has a logistics centre in Romania which enables us to intervene quickly and deliver kibble.

7. Campaigns launched on Animal Webaction often fail...

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When a campaign fails, Animal Webaction cannot deliver the products. The beneficiary doesn't receive anything and the buyers are refunded. 

8. In Romania, it is difficult to find funds for kibbles, there are no aid, no grants, no foundation... Many abandoned dogs die alone in the streets, in complete indifference...​


If you know of a foundation or NGO that could help the dogs from Remember Me Land, please invite them to contact us so we can put them in touch.

If you represent an animal welfare foundation or NGO, please help Remember Me Land's dogs, contact us and we will put you in touch!

If you would like to drop by the Remember Me Land shelter or if you would like to send kibble or a cheque directly, contact Remember Me via Facebook (note: direct help is your own responsibility).

9. If you make a purchase on Animal Webaction, it will be protected by our guarantees.

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100% safe payment via Paypal or credit card

Verified action

We've carried out checks on this action, Animal Webaction visited the shelter


Sending kibbles

The shelter won't receive any money, only the kibbles bought on its behalf

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Animal Webaction partners with 1000 animal welfare associations in 15 countries and has been existing for 10 years

Association Remember Me France
505D avenue de la Gare
84440 ROBION
FR France

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