Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 13/12/2022, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Lily

Beaten in the past, poor Lily kept important after-effects!
photo association
Canned food for Lily
Beaten in the past, poor Lily kept important after-effects!

256 cans

256 cans

Beaten in the past, poor Lily kept important after-effects!

1. She has been mistreated and still has some after-effects...

Lily is a 7 years old cat, that we had taken in when she was a kitten, following a report. The poor girl had been beaten: she had broken ribs, a crack between her ear and nose and a broken nose. She had to be hospitalized.

Since then, her crack continues to get infected. We have to be patient and give him an antibiotic treatment. It's hard on his body!

2. Canned food would allow him to regain his strength

Lily will need canned food to replenish her energy on a daily basis. Rich in vitamins, such a diet would help her gain strength, despite what she has to go through regularly.

3. Our finances are at an all-time low...

For the past two years, we have had great difficulty in collecting from supermarkets. With a hundred free cats to feed, the situation has become very tense... And it is impossible to count on donations to get by: people don't even pay their membership fees to the association anymore!

Association Chats Grains d'Amour
17 impasse des sangliers

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